Incorporate Summer Style Without Breaking Bank

While redecorating for each season can be exhausting and expensive, designers are finding new ways to update homes without being costly.  For summer, designers at have suggested these easy room updates that will make your home feel like a summer retreat:

1.  Bring in the outdoors: Natural materials and textures make a room feel more organic.  Wood, woven pieces, floral prints, and sheer fabrics will make your home feel cool and airy.

2.  Add coral: Coral is bright but natural, so it will brighten up any space.  What color should you pair it with?  Coral looks great next to natural reflective finishes, like lacquered wood or mirrors.

3.  Affordable Accents: Bringing in seasonal accents through pillows or art will keep your space up to date.  You can find these things for little at local department stores and can save them for next summer.

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